玻璃砖 采光、透风、隐私 (Glass Bricks Provide Lighting, Ventilation and Privacy)
Our “Glass Block House” with TA.LE Architects was Featured in 联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao), 19 January 2019
“Produce设计事务所与Ta.Le 建筑事务所联手操刀,巧妙地使用玻璃砖,为这栋位于武吉知马区的半独立式洋房一次过解决了采光,透风和隐私的难题,华灯初上,厚内亮灯,整棕壓子像品營剔透的玻璃灯笼,夜放光明。
Produce Workshop and Ta.Le Architects have jointly worked together to cleverly resolve the issues relating to natural lighting, ventilation, and privacy of the semi detached property in district 10. The result is a house resembling a glass lantern, that softly glows in the night.”